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JANUARY – Clear out the Junk

First task of the year is to clear out all forms of JUNK in your life.

  • Junk food 
  • Negative thoughts 
  • Clutter at home 
  • Unresolved issues 

Do away with all the unwanted baggage from 2016. All it does is draw you down and at times lures you to find comfort in food. 



FEBRUARY – Sugar Fast

Next step is to go on a sugar fast.Yes, it is the month of love and chocolate… but instead love yourself by eating right.

 For once, let go of all the sugary treats and don’t get caught up in the season.

Sugar is known to be a leading cause of obesity in the 21st century.

Please don’t be a part of this statistics.



MARCH – Breakfast Rules

In this month learn all the rules regarding breakfast.

Cultivate a habit of eating breakfast consistently and at the right time.

No more excuses! 
Start the day right!.
Skipping breakfast is known to increase your risk of developing high blood cholesterol. 
Life is too precious. 
Start taking care of yourself.


APRIL – Downsize Utensils

Reduce your portion sizes this month.

One sure sure way of loosing weight or reducing your waist line is by cutting down on your daily calorie intake.

It is time to use smaller – plates, bowls, glasses and mugs when eating.

This act will trick your brain to think you are consuming your usual portion of food when in actual sense you are eating less.



MAY – 3L Water Challenge

Hydration is very essential.

Water is life – they say.

Weight watchers consider it as a trick to shedding of some kilos.

Drink water to reduce hunger, increase satiety or to fight off cravings.

Proper hydration is also one of the oldest beauty tricks – for supple skin.

So this month, our target is to drink at least 3L of water a day.
This can be in the form of plain water, fruit infused water or tea.

JUNE – Carbs Downsize

Time to reduce your carbs intake.

Excessive carbohydrate intake is one of the leading causes of obesity, diabetes and its complications.

Time to slash your carbohydrates into half.

Focus on high fiber carbs (whole grains, vegetables ) and in little quantities.

Do not abuse these “healthy” carbs.



JULY – 15Mins Daily Exercise

Now let’s get moving!

Time to get sweaty and push your body to its limit.

By this time of the year, you are eating less carbs, reduced sugar, no junk, and smaller meal portions – your diet is looking better now.

Its time to focus on exercise to accelerate fat loss, increase vitality and reduce the aching joints.

Go easy on yourself. Start with simple exercise routine such as brisk walking, soccer, stretches etc
Choose a routine that can fit into your daily schedule. And stick to it.
Consistency is key.

AUGUST – 1 Salad A Day

Veggies Veggies Veggies!

Many people detest vegetables because its tasteless, chewy and just “boring”…  but this is a sure ticket to fat loss.

Vegetables contain the lowest amount of calories – even lower than fruits.
As a dietitian, I recommend we consume more vegetables than fruits.

In this month the goal is to eat one plate of healthy salad a day.
Additions such as sausage, corned beef, salad cream, mayonnaise, are banned.

You’re allowed to add low fat dressings, nuts, grilled lean meat or an egg – to balance the meal.
Let’s get creative! 

September – Try New Healthy Recipe

One reason why you are unable to stick to a healthy lifestyle for months or even years is – you have a “one way” menu.

You probably have 3 main meals you constantly eat – Rice, Banku, Fufu.
or Banku, Kenkey and Yam – its still the same dear?…. 3 main constants.

With this you will definitely get bored after 3 weeks of trying to transform them into healthier options.
So this month try a new recipe at least week to broaden your Culinary Repertoire.
Make healthy eating fun.
Each day comes with a new discovery. 

October – 30Mins Daily Exercise

Push yourself to new limits.

Thanks to our July theme, you can now tolerate 15mins of exercises.
Now lets switch it up and take it up a notch (at least 30 minutes)- still baby steps.

Focus on High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This form of exercise is known to increase fat loss and build resistance in the body.

One example of this would be to sprint at maximum speed for 30seconds, and then walk for 1 minute, repeating this sequence for ten minutes for a short but very effective fat-fighting workout.


November – Super food Haul

Super-food is described as a nutrient power house which is loaded with essential nutrients, antioxidants and polyphenols.

 It packs large doses of these nutrients as compared to regular foods.  
Eating them may reduce the risk of chronic disease, and prolong life, and people who eat more of them are healthier.

The ultimate aim of the monthly themes is to achieve a healthier you through healthy eating.
So stock up some common super-foods such as nuts, seeds,Dark cocoa powder, Green tea, Matcha tea , Turmeric, Yogurt with active cultures, Grapefruit, Tempeh …etc 




December – Water over Soda

Great Job – You made it to the end.

It’s December again and the holidays are here.
Try not to fall prey to overindulgence and eating all the junk again.

True, it is a time for merry making but always remember… you can easily fall back into that dark hole you were in at the  beginning of the year.

Resist the Temptations!
Replace your drinks with a tall  glass of chilled water. 
Add a lemon wedge or a sprig of mint to add some Pizzazz
…Because you deserve it.
You worked hard in 2017 to achieve your health goals.

You Loved yourself enough. #SelfLove

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